鄭傳勳師傅個人簡歷 Sifu Cheng's Personal Profile










Sifu CHENG Chuen Fun

  Sifu Cheng has deep interest in physical activities since childhood. Since 1960s, in his secondary school period, he has already learnt Wing Tsun Kuen as an apprentice to Master LEUNG Sheung, the first disciple of Grandmaster Ip Man. After he finished his apprenticeship, he started his teaching career in 1970s. He keeps low profile for years, yet he has numerous students all over the world. In between, Sifu Cheng persistently studies martial arts of different sects, which greatly expand his horizon within the field. Furthermore, Sifu Cheng studied bone-setting in Chinese medical institute, therefore deepened his understanding on the structure of human skeleton and joints, including the vital weakness of human body. He has also studied healing Qigong. These all contributes to his advancement on combat techniques and accomplishment in martial art. Sifu Cheng is not only well experienced in Wing Tsun Kuen teaching, but also a prominent Wing Tsun style combat sport coach. He acts as chairperson or honorary chairperson in several associations in martial art circles.


  Sifu Cheng suggests that Wing Tsun Kuen is the accumulation and refinement of the combat experience of Wing Tsun Masters, into the most direct, the most economic and the most powerful technique, referring to the human structure and mechanics. Therefore Wing Tsun Kuen is a Kungfu for human, and furthermore, the most suitable Kungfu for human. Wing Tsun Kuen strives for relaxing, diversing and leveraging, and stresses on technique rather than power. Hence it is suitable for people to learn regardless of sex and age.


  Sifu Cheng has set up a martial school teaching Wing Tsun Kuen, combat technique and healing Qigong, in the hope of carrying forward these brilliant skills.


  Sifu Cheng is also a registered Chinese medicine practitioner of Chinese bone-setting, running bone-setting clinic in Kowloon City and Siu Sai Wan not only for apprentices, but also for any patient in need.


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